Symposium Program

    Thursday, 03 Oct 2024
    08:30 - 09:00 Welcome Speech
    09:00 - 10:00 Keynote 1
			Title: Towards a Design Flow for Verified AI-Based Autonomy
            		Authors: Prof. Sanjit A Seshia
        		Affiliation: University of California, Berkeley

    10:00 - 10:30 Coffee Break
    10:30 - 12:30 Technical Session 1: Formal Verification and Monitoring

    10:30 - 11:00 	Title: Fast Robust Monitoring for Signal Temporal Logic with Value Freezing Operators (STL) 
       	     		Authors: B. Ghorbel, V. Prabhu

    11:00 - 11:30	Title: Modelling and proving pipeline monotonicity in Coq  
            		Authors: A. Gruin, A. Bonenfant, T. Carle, C. Rochange

    11:30 - 12:00	Title: Perception-based Runtime Monitoring and Verification for Human-Robot Construction Systems 
            		Authors: A. Pramanik, S. W. Choi, Y. Li, L. Nguyen, K. Kim, D. H. Tran

    12:00 - 12:30	Title: Safety and Progress Proofs of Reactive Autonomous Racing Algorithm
            		Authors:  A. Karimi, M. Goyal, P. S. Duggirala
    12:30 - 13:30 Lunch Break
    13:30 - 15:00 Technical Session 2: Learning-based Systems
    13:30 - 14:00	Title: Model-free PAC Time-Optimal Control Synthesis with Reinforcement Learning
            		Authors: M. Liu, P. Lu, X. Chen, F. Kong, O. Sokolsky, I. Lee

    14:00 - 14:30	Title: Exploring Compositional Neural Networks for Real-Time Systems
            		Authors: S. Chatterjee, N. Allen, N. Patel, P. Roop.

    14:30 - 15:00	Title: Machine-Learning-Guided Test Case Design and Fault Localization of Complex Software Systems
            		Authors:  Y. Ji, S. Mak, R. Lekivetz, J. Morgan
    15:00 - 15:30 Coffee Break
    15:30 - 17:00 Technical Session 3: Invited Session
    15:30 - 16:00	Title: Logical Synchrony + Functional Processes => Observable Determinacy
            		Authors: S. Prasad

    16:00 - 16:30	Title: Self-Powering Dataflow Networks – Concepts and Implementation
            		Authors: A. Karim, J. Falk, D. Schmidt,  J. Teich

    16:30 - 17:00	Title: Neuro-symbolic Generative AI Assistant for System Design
            		Authors: S. Jha, S. K. Jha, and A. Velasquez
    Friday, 04 Oct 2024
    09:00 - 10:00 Keynote 2
			Title: From Neural Network Verification to Formal Verification for Neuro-Symbolic Artificial Intelligence (AI) 
            		Authors: Taylor T. Johnson
        		Affiliation: Vanderbilt University

    10:00 - 10:30 Coffee Break
    10:30 - 12:30 Technical Session 4: Hardware/CPS Verification

    10:30 - 11:00 	Title: Formal Fault Injection in Digital Blocks with Mined Assertions
			Authors: D. Zuccala, P. Breuil, J. Daveau, P. Roche, K. Morin-Allory

    11:00 - 11:30	Title: Higher-order Hardware: Implementation and Evaluation of The Cephalopode Graph Reduction Processor
			Authors: J. Pope, C. H. Seger, H. Valter

    11:30 - 12:00	(WiP) Title: Physics-Aware Mixed-Criticality Systems Design via End-to-End Verification of CPS
			Authors: K. Wilson, A. Al Arafat, J. Baugh, R. Yu, Z. Guo

    12:00 - 12:30	(WiP) Title: Configuring Safe Spiking Neural Controllers for Cyber-Physical Systems through Formal Verification
			Authors: A. Gupta, S. Ghosh, A. Banerjee, S. K. Mohalik
    12:30 - 13:30 Lunch Break
    13:30 - 15:00 Technical Session 5: WiP - Distributed systems, Sensor fusion, Statecharts
    13:30 - 14:00	(WiP) Title: Safety Assurance for Autonomous Systems with Multiple Sensor Modalities
			Authors: A. Balakrishnan, R. Bernard, S. Narayanan, V. Kudalkar, Y. Zhao, P. Nagaraja, G. Markov, C. Budnik, H. Degen, L. Lindemann, J. V. Deshmukh

    14:00 - 14:30	(WiP) Title: Efficient Coordination for Distributed Discrete-Event Systems
			Authors: B. Jun, E. Lee, M. Lohstroh, H. Kim

    14:30 - 15:00	(WiP) Title: Pragmatic Action Charts
			Author: S. Smyth
    15:00 - 15:30 Coffee Break
    15:30 - 16:00 Closing Session